Bulk Schema Install for PostgreSQL

Tripal provides a service to bulk import SQL files into a PostgreSQL database. The following code block shows how this service can be used to create a fictional database schema and populate it within your Drupal/Tripal database. It’s recommended to use a schema within your Drupal/Tripal database to ensure you can easily join between your biological and application data. That said, this is not a requirement as Tripal can support data from outside sources.

$schema_name = 'biodb'; // This is a fictional example schema name.
// First initialize the Tripal Services.
$service = \Drupal::service('tripal.bulkPgSchemaInstaller');
// Next Create the schema.
$success = $service->createSchema($schema_name);
// And if the schema exists...
if ($service->checkExists($schema_name)) {
        // Then populate the schema in bulk using an SQL file.
        $sql_file = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('tripal') . '/tests/fixtures/smallTestSchema.sql';
        $success = $service->applySQL($sql_file, $schema_name, TRUE);